Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hey! We Weren't Expecting THIS Much Snow!

Yesterday, the news said there would be a huge snowstorm with 12-24 inches and it came with a vengeance. We're all locked up inside. Many businesses closed today and will probably will close tomorrow also. One friend said it took 4 1/2 hours to go from the Denver Tech Center to their home about 25 miles north of there. It should be about a 35 minute trip. In any case, we'll all remain inside until the blizzard and emergency weather disaster is cleared. Wish I had some personal photos to share, but as you can probably tell, my digital camera hasn't been working for several months. If you're in Colorado, try to stay warm. If you're not, watch out :), the storm may be coming your way!!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

He's PADI Certified!

"Congrats" to Gerald on completing his PADI diving certification and confined water dives. It took studying a book, watching a DVD, learning diving calculations, a test, lots of hours in the pool and two weekends. He'll complete his open water dives in the next month in St. Kitts. He wants to become a Divemaster, too.

We took a resort course in June 2006 and dove in the Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, but in retrospect, Gerald said "I never would have done that if I knew what I know now after getting certified." That's scary . . . but it was pretty fun and amazing to see the fish & wildlife, there.

He also plans to dive with sharks at the Downtown Denver Aquarium in the near future. That's scary too. Baby girl and I will just cheer from land. I think I prefer snorkeling, anyway. Diving hurts my eardrums and I like being closer to the surface . . . and air!

I'm not certified, but here's my "proof" that I scuba dived, too! Not bad for a non-swimmer! May it never be said that I didn't try :)! If you look closely, you'll see a banana in my right hand. That's why there are so many fish around me. Very cool experience!!

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